Improving my water
Table of Contents

Hi π,
I started to thank my water.
Just a “thank you” after filling my bottle.
Sounds stupid, but it will really propel you forward.1
The positive attention will improve the structure of the water2 and, more
importantly, you will feel better!
When I say it with full honesty, I get a deep sense of gratitude.
We all know that practicing gratitude is amazing for us. I certainly used it too little. This is an easy way for me to practice gratitude multiple times a day.
“Mmmh, sounds like the Christian tradition of thanking the food before a meal.” Indeed. I believe it works in the same way. Through the act of gratitude you improve the structure of the water within the food and the people (both are mostly made of water) and you raise the vibrations of everyone around the table. All of this will work to make the food taste better and be more nourishing.3
The church has an understanding of the workings of the universe and the principle of resonance that is behind this. The church is further set up in a way that the knowledgable high officials encode their understanding into practices that will deliver the positive effects, like the prayer of thanking “god” for the meal. They design the practice so that you reap the benefits, even if you lack the understanding (i.e. the commonfolk, most everyone) of why it works. I’m not in a religion, but I can still appreciate the wisdom of a purposefully designed practice.
Commitments #
My ongoing commitments are:
- Eat raw π©πͺ at least until Mar01
- Read one book at a time until Mar19
- To become profitable at trading
- Publishing this newsletter every Sunday (11x streakπ)
What I’m working on #
For context, see /now.
- To improve our water quality we got a water filtration system (based on activated charcoal.) There is plenty in the tap water to be concerned about. In my mind, a lot can be gained by cleaning what we drink every day. If you don’t have a filter, you are the filter.
- Decided to buy organic whenever possible.
- Eating more salads again. With sprouts as the base (50-70% of the portion.)
All that I’m working on are small unconcentrated efforts. I’m lacking a larger mission or purpose. I know what to do about that, I just have not done it yet. When the time is right, everything will fall into place.
Challenges #
Applying a specific learning or philosophy for a week (see project.)
Last one #
Last weeks challenge was: Connect to the inner body
It was easy to do and I felt quite present this week. By bringing about this connection intentionally, I get used to it and increase the likelihood that it will happen unconsciously. The little time it took was well spent.
On previous challenges #
Being allowed to only read one book at a time feels like it dissuades me from committing to a book I don’t want to fully dive into. Which means I read less, but I also distract myself less.
New articles #
- Everything I know about avocados π©πͺ : prices, picking them out at the store and when to eat them
All the best,
PS: Please let me know if you have any comments, feedback or criticism.
You can sign up for this newsletter here, if you aren’t already.
I believe that a little practice like this can have profound effects. Not this one practice in isolation, but all of the little things you do every day in accumulation. It’s the little things in life that matter, because they ultimately make up your life. If you want to read more about this philosophy, I would recommend The Slight Edge. ↩︎
About the structure of water: See the works of Masaru Emoto, or the documentary Secret of Water. ↩︎
More nourishment not in the sense of more calories, but in the sense that what is there is processed better and that your organism gains more from it. ↩︎