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My Backup strategy

·6 mins·

Everyone is responsible for backing up their own data. In this guide I’ll walk you through how I do it.

Code and configurations #

My software projects and linux configurations are versioned via git and use GitHub as a remote backup. This relies on me committing and pushing changes regularly.

My dotfiles allow me to completely recreate my linux setup in a few hours on a new device.

Threat vectors covered: Main machine drive failure

Secrets #

I also version my secrets (password database, api keys, private configurations) in git. Once a day a cronjob runs a copy of my dotfiles repo management scripts that collect the relevant files, commits any changes and pushes to a private server. You could also use private GitHub repos, but I rather keep my unencrypted secrets on my own server. Alternatively you could encrypt the files then you can store it where ever. But this wouldn’t play well with git, since all files will be different every time.

Threat vectors covered: Main machine drive failure, revert undesired changes

Notes and laptop/phone media #

As detailed in my post about my Note synchronization setup I use Syncthing to sync them to my homeserver (and from there to other devices.) The same applies to music and any other media on my phone or computer.

Syncthing offers multiple ways to version your files as to allow for retrival of changed or deleted files. I only use this versioning on the homesever and vary it based on the type of files being synced. For my notes I use “Simple” 45 day versioning and for my media 20 day “Trash Can” versioning.

Synchronization is not a backup though. By being synced through my homeserver everything is also covered by it’s backup strategy.

Threat vectors covered: Main machine drive failure, revert undesired changes

Homeserver #

To project against disk failure I’m running UNRAID. I opted for UNRAID over RAID for the ease of upgrading. RAID would have required me to buy all of my hard-drives together. I wasn’t sure how much storage I needed and wanted to reserve the option to upgrade slowly instead of having a big upfront investment.

RAID, or UNRAID in my case is not a backup though. So besides my single parity disk I also have two external WD Elements drives for on-site and off-site backups. On-site is backed-up weekly and swapped with the off-site one at a relatives place whenever I visit. Any safe place outside of your house that you regularly visit will do.

Threat vectors covered: Single drive failure1, multiple drive failures2, Randsomware, environmental hazards at server location (fire, water, burglary)


Technical details #

By encrypting our external backup drives we can secure our data against abuse.

Threat vectors covered: External backup in the wrong hands

Initial setup #

Whenever I get a new drive that is to serve as a backup I have to test the drive and put an encrypted filesystem on it.

Testing the drive #

To verify that the disk is fine run an extended SMART test on it. I do this through the UNRAID UI, but I’m sure there is a way to do it on the command-line. If there are any errors the drive gets returned to the seller.

SMART test results in the UNRAID UI without errors

Next I’ll preclear the drive. This will:

  • read out every byte
  • write a zero to every byte
  • read out every byte again

This is technically unnecessary3 but will serve as a stresstest for the drive. If it will fail early I want to know as soon as possible so I can return it.

Preclearing the drive

On UNRAID this can be done through the ‘Unassigned Devices Preclear’ plugin4.

Format the drive #

To access the drive without having to enter our passphrase every time5 we will generate a keyfile that will be placed on the server.

dd bs=512 count=16 if=/dev/random of=keyfile iflag=fullblock

With this we can now put an encrypted ext4 filesystem on our drive:

# optional: switch to admin
sudo su

# get the device id for the drive you want to format
# -> replace sdX below

# format drive, generate and enter a passphrase
cryptsetup -s 512 luksFormat /dev/sdX

# for keyfile unlock
cryptsetup luksAddKey /dev/sdX keyfile

# create filesystem
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdX cryptext --key-file keyfile
mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/cryptext
cryptsetup luksClose cryptext

Now you’re ready to backup your server to this drive.

Update external backup #

To only transfer the changes between to the backup I use rsync – the standard utility for this kind of job.

On my server I run: $ ./sync-backup sdd where sdd specifies the device id of my backup drive. Here are the scripts contents:

#! /bin/sh


mkdir -p $mount_location /ext/hd

if [ "$1" = "--help" ] || [ "$1" = "-h" ] || [ "$1" = "help" ] || [ -z "$1" ]; then
  cat <<EOF
$ sync-backup device_id
Backup data onto exsting backup drive

  \$1: like sdd, obtained from lsblk

  $ sync-backup sdd

command -v rsync >/dev/null || { echo "rsync is not installed" 1>&2; exit 127; }


cryptsetup luksOpen $device $cryptmapper --key-file $keyfile && echo Opened luks && sleep 4s &&
  mount $mapper $mount_location && echo Mounted backup drive &&
  rsync -avr --delete /mnt/user /boot $mount_location &&
  sync &&
  umount $mount_location && echo Unmounted backup drive &&
  cryptsetup luksClose $cryptmapper && echo Closed luks

Open threat vectors #

These I am aware off, but haven’t addressed yet, or we’re not worth addressing.

  • Data corruption due to electricity blackout:

    Could be addressed by having the main power supply run through a battery. So that if the power suddenly stops the battery keeps the server running so it can gently shut-down. I don’t know how the intermediate battery would communicate this shutdown to the server though and relying on me to manually initiate shut-down would be error prone.

  • Software project environment files:

    While the project is backed up these env files are not necessarily. I have not yet build a consistent way to best back these up. Critical ones would be included in the secrets programme though.

If you think I’m missing something here, please let me know at:

  1. Covered by UNRAID’s parity. Plug in a new drive and the failed one will be recreated. ↩︎

  2. With a single parity drive this mean UNRAID is failing. Data on the lost drives is not recoverable and will have to be recreated from the backup. ↩︎

  3. If you want to add a new drive to an UNRAID array it is required to be zeroed so it matches the parity. There is no such need in external drives. ↩︎

  4. Install the plugins ‘Unassigned Devices’ and ‘Unassigned Devices Preclear’. Then in ‘Tools > Disk Utilities’ you will have the option to preclear a disk. ↩︎

  5. This is optional. You can also skip this and enter a passphrase every time you mount the drive. ↩︎